Saturday, April 14, 2007


by steven hopkins

Cars glide. People wait. Dust settles. Planets orbit. An alarm sounds. Joe rises. The sun hangs. Coffee brews. Breakfast cooks. The car starts. Joe eats. Cars stop. Joe goes. Joe reads. Boredom comes. Cars stop. Joe goes. The radio tunes. Joe dances. Cars stop. Joe goes. Joe thinks. Mother knits. Cars go. Joe goes. Joe bleeds. Sirens sound. Doctors work. Passers watch. Gurneys roll. Machines beep. Work waits. Eyes blink. Lights sooth. A telephone rings. A mother cries. Paperwork fills. Hours pass. Organs trade. Machines beep. Sweat drips. Wounds close. Life renews. Cars glide. People wait. Dust settles. Planets orbit.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I like the short sentences. Pretty sweet. Are all of yours going to be sad?