Sunday, May 20, 2007

Karla's Crazy Idea

The bear had backed her into a corner formed by enormous boulders, there were no cracks or holes in which to scurry. Confident in securing its quarry, the bear advanced slowly sniffing at the fear which hung in the air.

"This is a crazy idea," thought Karla, "but what else am I going to do?"

She extended her arm towards the bear, her quivering thumb and index finger curled and tense.

Bink. She had done the improbable. She had flicked the bear right in the tender flesh of its black wet nose.

The bear paused, blinking in surprise and then reared back as if it were going to let out a mighty roar. Instead it released a powerful sneeze, covering Karla with thick mucus. Immediately, it reared back again and paused, its eyes closed, its nose towards heaven. The sneeze was clearly stalling.

Karla took her chance, slipping past the distracted bear and running into the forest.

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